

Students and community musicians of all abilities are welcome to join.

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Being a part of a musical ensemble creates an incredible sense of belonging where you will become part of a team. It takes every singer and every musician to create that big sound that emerges from the group during a performance.

表现音乐 at 重点大学 includes exciting opportunities for instrumentalists and vocalists of all ability levels. The various instrumental and vocal ensembles at Keystone are completely free, 没有试镜, 费用, 或者需要学费. Keystone’s musicians are primarily college students, but we are proud to welcome adult community musicians and select high school upperclassmen to join our ensembles.

Join 表现音乐 at Keystone!

Do you love to sing or play an instrument, but don’t want to major in music? The 重点大学 表现音乐 offerings are available to allow you to belong to one of the largest and most successful campus organizations here at the college. With typically over 100 musicians, we offer you the opportunity to not only create meaningful musical moments, but to connect with other students and build friendships while here at Keystone.

All of the ensembles within the 重点大学 表演音乐系 are presented with no tuition, 试镜, 或费用.


  • Tuesdays: Symphonic Band 7-8:30 p.m. /赞美诗8:30-9:15.m.
  • Wednesdays: Jazz Ensembles 7-9 p.m.
  • 周四:下午1-2点.m.

电子邮件 music@jinken-fukuoka.com 欲知详情.


The 重点大学 music ensembles’ performances are supported in part by the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a state agency funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Northern Tier Partners for the Arts. Promotion funded in part by the Wyoming County Room Tax Fund and the Endless Mountains 访问ors Bureau.





Play with the 重点大学 Big Band by joining the 爵士乐团体验2024!




表现音乐 Jazz Night At The Eckel Family Pavilion



The 重点大学 表演音乐系 awards six donor-funded scholarships.

为了获得资格, a student must currently be a member of the KC 表现音乐 ensembles in good standing, 或者计划成为, upon entering the College as a first-year student. Interested students – both incoming and current – should apply by  July 14. Students should read the application carefully to determine eligibility.


学生音乐家Briana Welch, 凯拉Grzech, 迈克尔•格林, and Dylan Cummings represented 重点大学 at the 74th annual Pennsylvania Intercollege Honors Band Festival at Shippensburg University and performed with over 100 musicians, 22所学院, including such fine institutions as Carnegie Melon University, 斯克兰顿大学, 奥尔布莱特学院, 和曼斯菲尔德大学.

FAQs - Check out the most frequently asked questions.

No! No $$

Is this a class I have to sign up for?
No! The Keystone Bands currently operate as a Student Activity.

No! Everyone is eligible to perform with us. We will help you EVEN IF YOU HAVEN’T PRACTICED IN MONTHS OR YEARS. 重要的是要记住, 是一旦开始吗, you will be expected improve your abilities… but your only competition is yourself!

You can use your own instrument if you have one. We will even find a place for you to store it on campus if need be. 然而, if you DON’T have an instrument, don’t let that discourage you. 可以提供工具.

Do I have to participate in all 3 ensembles?
We would LOVE for you to be a part of all three ensembles, 但如果你不能, you can pick and choose the right ensemble(s) for you. 然而, travel opportunities planned for the future may be reserved for only those students that participate in more than one of the ensembles.

是的! We need you regularly attend rehearsal in order to perform to the best of our abilities.

How many performances will there be?
Four concert performances are planned for each academic year and the Keystone Athletic band will, 当然, perform at various Keystone athletic events.

But I play strings / guitar /only sing / harmonica / etc…
没关系! We’ll find a role for you, and we’re always looking for jazz vocalists!

How do you ensure the safety of minors on campus?
重点大学 has an existing system in place for high school athletic camps, art festivals, etc. 我们也会. We will have parent / guardian consent form, 志愿者背景调查, 基本健康表格, and campus security involved in keeping students safe!